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How to Dispose of Unused Paint

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Wondering how to dispose of your extra paint ? Especially how to keep things environmentally friendly? This post has you covered. 

This post was contributed by Adelfia Painting, your trusted local painting company, based in Newton, MA. Adelfia offers both interior and exterior painting with superb attention to detail and stellar customer service.

How Long Does Paint Last?

When storing paint to reuse, keep it sealed and stored in a cool, dry place (away from children and animals!). Latex and water based paint typically have a shelf life of 10 years, and oil paint can last up to 15.

When Possible, Use It On Another Project

The best and easiest way to make use of paint you already own is to use it on another project. Repaint an old dresser, paint a single wall to create contrast in a room, or DIY a project like a flower box. The most environmentally friendly and efficient way to eliminate waste is to create none. 

Recycle It

If saving your paint or using it on another project isn’t possible, or if you paint is past it’s prime, what are your options? Do not throw it in the trash. Paint is toxic to our environment and the animals that inhabit it, so do not under any circumstances, throw a can of paint in the trash for curbside pickup. 

One way to dispose of paint is to drop it off at a recycling center that accepts hazardous materials. Each town has their own rules and regulations, so check your local town’s website for information. You can also search for hazardous paint drop off locations at Earth911

Additionally, organizations like Habitat For Humanity accept latex paint donations. Always consult their website for the most up to date drop off information. You could also consider reaching out to local nonprofits (like churches, boys & girls clubs, domestic violence and homeless shelters, etc) to see if they are accepting paint donations.


Disposing of Latex Paint

If you are unable to recycle the paint, it’s important to dispose of it properly.  There are paint drying kits you can buy to dry your paint out to dispose of it in your trash. However, typically, the most cost efficient method, is to use clumping cat litter. Pour the paint into a lined trash can or box, add cat litter, stirring until the mixture is thick and clumped together.. Let the mixture sit and dry for at least an hour. Seal the bag and dispose of it in your trash. You can also dispose of an empty paint can, as long as it’s completely dried out, in your trash.

Disposing of Oil Based Paints

Oil based paints are considered hazardous waste, and cannot be dried out or thrown into your trash. You must take them to a recycling center that accepts oil paint. This information can be found on your community recycling website.


As DIY at home projects reach an all time high, it’s important to make sure you are disposing of your paint in an ethical and responsible manner. If you follow these helpful tips, you’ll make sure to protect the planet, and even do a good deed by helping a local charity. Happy painting!