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How to Get Ahead of Holiday Stress

If you are like many folks out there, the holidays are a time of celebration, family and a never ending list of things to do. While the holidays can be a joyous time of year, they can also be an extremely stressful if you are not prepared. So how do you avoid getting to that point so you can enjoy the celebrations, gifts and gatherings? Here are some tips:

Make sure all of your commitments are in your calendar as soon as you say “yes”. That means everything from big parties, to routine kid commitments. While certain events like basketball practice might seem routine now, this is the time of year that it can be forgotten if not written down. It also helps everyone in your household know all outstanding commitments.

Block time. Prepping to host a holiday event, shopping for gifts, volunteering, baking: what do all of these have in common? They require time! Do your best to block time in your calendar to account for it all. That way you don’t find yourself baking a few dozen cookies at 11 PM for a gathering the next day! Having time blocked in your calendar gives you a big picture view, which is useful when scheduling other events and commitments.

Consider the meaning of “yes”. When you are offering to host an event, or even attend, consider it in the context of your week. Are you someone who needs to be home a certain number of nights per week? Is your partner or spouse already out a certain number of nights that week? How does another commitment effect your family routine? It’s okay to say no so you can protect your own time during this busy season. YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL. Many times in life we are forced to make choices. While saying no may be hard in the moment, consider the reason behind it and why you are doing it. Let that feeling win out in the end.

Make lists. Even if you are not someone who usually operates with a grocery list, or a shopping list, I encourage everyone to try it this time of year. It could end up saving you return trips to the store for a forgotten item. Some folks like good old fashioned paper lists. There are also numerous apps that enable you to make electronic lists. I like Anylist, a free app. You can share your lists with family members so that everyone can edit them (great for grocery shopping!), and make lists for different shopping outings. For example, I keep separate lists for Trader Joes, Costco, CVS. I like having them on my phone because if I have a few free minutes and find myself at the store I always have my list with me.

Self-care. Those who know me, know that I’m a huge self-care advocate. I go back to the idea of “you have to put your own oxygen mask on first. Then help others.” If you don’t take care of yourself and your own stress, it can have immense effects on those around you. Find little ways that make you feel taken care of. Maybe it’s simply having a cup of coffee in the morning by yourself. Maybe it’s forcing yourself to leave the dirty dishes in the sink and go to bed an hour earlier. Maybe it’s getting together with a friend for a glass of wine and a pedicure. Whatever self-care looks like for you, do it. And make sure it get’s on your schedule!

Leave us a comment below with your favorite stress reducing ideas.

Happy Holidays!